
Sahakarya Nepal, Sindhuli has gained remarkable achievements through implementing various projects/programs for socio-economic development and humanitarian assistance which are as follows:

  • Supported 1204 households of Sindhuli district through distributing food items and basic health safety equipment as a relief package against COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Established a total of 11 women led cooperatives and more than 4879 people especially women associated as share members in these cooperatives.

  • A total of 975 right holders including about 90% of women received Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) training, of which 940 right holders received market oriented skilled based vocational trainings on farm/off-farm and started/doing their own enterprises.

  • A total of 1370 cooperative members were reached with financial literacy campaign and 453 women entrepreneurs were counseled for promoting their business.

  • Assisted with community engagement activities for the re-construction of 3 schools and 4 health-care facilities of Sindhuli district.

  • Constructed bio-sand water purifying tank and benefited 1350 students for safe drinking water. A total of 785 households were supported for toilet construction.

  • 13000 saplings were planted along the Kamala river bank and public land. 130 dustbins were distributed to 14 community schools of three VDCs in Sindhuli.

  • 11674 school going children were benefitted through the construction of 86 Transitional Learning Center (TLC), 170 latrines and 56 ECD classrooms. Also distributed 61 sets of educational kits (4 ECD kits, 2 recreational kits, 2 school-in box kits, 5 story bag kits) and 61 sets of sanitation kits (24 soap, 10 toilet cleaner, 5 brush, 10 air-freshener, 1000 chlorine-bottles for water purification) to enable hygienic learning environment at community school.

  • Capacitated and mobilized 50 Social Mobilizers for promoting good governance and accountability in all VDC’s of Sindhuli district.

  • Built the capacity of 82 Social Mobilizers, 10 NGOs and 30 CBOs of Sindhuli district on good governance, social accountability tools like: public hearing/public audits/CSC/CRC/PETS/CM etc.

  • Created awareness on common livestock diseases and their control measures as well as practices for better production to 195 Farmers in Lampantar and Jarayotar VDCs of Sindhuli District.

  • Provided high value fruit saplings, vegetable seeds and agricultural tools to 108 households of Bitizor VDC to promote agro-products using Vegan Farming Techniques. It also constructed 39 Ferro-cement tanks and plastic ponds for small scale irrigation.

  • 205 groups were formed during different project implementation are still active in promoting their livelihood, income generation, savings, awareness raising in education, health and women empowerment.

  • 10 persons received professional skills development trainings on house wiring at Hatpate and Nipane VDCs of Sindhuli district.

  • About 40 Hectare of cultivable land protected after the construction of dam along the Kamala river bank.

  • A total of 57,581 households (about 292,196 population) are directly benefited by the project interventions from the beginning of NGO mobilization.